Environmental Scholarship
PRIMARY STUDENTSAttention Primary School Teachers & Parents
Are you looking for engaging ways to educate primary school children about the importance of environmental sustainability and encouraging them to come up with ideas to make these positive changes (ie. School project ideas)? Read below to learn about our environmental and social sustainability values, and how your students can engage and have the chance to win a cash prize.

Who We Are
Payless Promotions was founded here in Gippsland in the year 2000 by current CEO Guy Dawson. We sell promotional products and branded uniforms to organisations all over Australia, focusing on providing exceptional customer service and cost-effective prices.
With around 25 staff, we are a significant player in the Australian uniform and promotional product industry. We strive to be at the forefront of innovation, technology, and social & environmental change. We are large enough to influence our industry and see this as an opportunity and a responsibility to set a positive example and encourage others to follow. We openly share competitive information with others in our industry for the greater good of the industry and our people.
Our Environmental & Social Values
Payless Promotions is committed to respecting all people and preserving our natural environment for future generations to enjoy as we do. We will work to ensure every aspect of our business incorporates social and environmental sustainability principles.
We recognise that many elements of our industry contribute to damaging the environment. It is our responsibility to be a leader within the promotional industry and address the issue head-on. We are offering this scholarship to start the discussion and find creative solutions for future generations most impacted by our choices today.
What We Are Offering
We are thrilled to be able to offer a ‘Sustainability’ scholarship to primary students across Australia. We designed this scholarship to encourage students to consider the environmental and social impact of Australia’s uniform and promotional product industry. We’re offering primary students the opportunity to suggest changes that Payless Promotions can implement to improve our sustainability practices. These can relate to any element of our business and may not be specific to our industry. Examples include: Policies, sourcing and buying, storage, transport, labelling, promotion of particular product types or alternatives, office location and layout, office heating and cooling, use of appliances within our office, office waste generation and disposal, office recycling, means of staff travel, packing of staff lunches etc.
We will reward:
$250 annually to the best suggestion from a primary school student
$250 to ANY student who can recommend an immediately actionable change that will improve our sustainability and provide a monetary saving to our business of at least $250 over 3 years (eg. Reduced energy bills, reduction in consumables).
How To Apply
To apply for this scholarship, we ask that interested primary students write a short essay, up to 150 words, with at least one ‘actionable’ idea as to how Payless Promotions and other organisations in our industry can improve our environmental or social sustainability practices.
Please include:
- The current situation surrounding the topic of your idea
- The current environmental and/or social impact surrounding the topic of your idea
- The proposed change
- The expected improvement in sustainability
- How will the gain be measured?
What We Are Looking For
We hope to be inspired by some ideas that will spark action from within our own organisation and across our industry. Your ideas may be innovative, but you can also impress with simplicity or ease of implementation.
Scholarship Timeline
Entries are always open. On World Environment Day (June 5), we will announce a winner, and immediately begin accepting entries for the following year.
Who Can Apply
Any student currently enrolled in an Australian primary school.
For further clarification you can email your queries to scholarships@paylesspromotions.com.au
What Else Do I Need To Know
- Payless Promotions are the ‘middleman’. We buy from our suppliers who import, hold and brand stock. We take orders, design the branding, and manage the logistics, but we rarely touch or see what we supply.
- The vast majority of stock is made in Asian factories by employees on low wages.
- Most of what we sell is branded (e.g. Embroidered, screen printed) in Australia by our local suppliers.
- Our industry and the products within it are subject to greenwashing. Many promotional products with questionable sustainability features are promoted as ‘eco-friendly’.
- Much of what we sell is given away, meaning the recipient has not sought or requested the item, and it may be discarded with little or no use.
Some Sustainability Measures We Already Have In Place
Solar panels on our office
A battery for our office to store solar power collected
A clearly defined environmental policy
You can read our full Environmental Policy here.